Bulletins de 2006
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1 Wednesday 
2 Thursday Happy B’day Jessica L
3 Friday
4 Saturday       Mass 4:00 pm    
5 Sunday United Church Service 10:00 am N R Happy B’day Dale St O
 6 Monday Municipal Council Meeting 7:30 pm
7 Tuesday
8 Wednesday                     
9 Thursday
10 Friday       Garbage    
11 Saturday  Happy B’day Tina P & Alma L            Mass 4:00 pm    
12 Sunday United Church Service 10:00 am N R
13 Monday         Recycling
14 Tuesday   Happy Valentine’s Day        
15 Wednesday Happy Birthday Jeff L  
16 Thursday Happy B’day Austin L, Christal O’N
17 Friday           Garbage
18 Saturday       Mass 4:00 pm (Celebration of the Word)    
19 Sunday United Church Service 10:00 am N R
20 Monday  
21 Tuesday            
22 Wednesday
23 Thursday Happy B’day Courtney G
24 Friday                
25 Saturday   Happy B’day Josh W    Mass 4:00 pm
26 Sunday  United Church Service 10:00 am N R   
27 Monday           Recycling      
28 Tuesday      

Text Box: Bulletin Cascapédia-St-Jules   55 rte. Gallagher, Cascapédia-St-Jules, Qc. G0C 1T0   Téléphone: (418)-392-4042 Fax: (418)-392-6004
Family Day
**Note time change:

Family Day will be held on Sunday, February 5th. Registration for the games will be at 11:00 am & the games will begin at 12:30 pm. There will be a hot lunch served in the basement of the Town Hall and canteen service at the Youth Centre. Games and activities for kids & adults alike! Come out & join the fun!

Investors Group

Do you have concerns?
If only I could improve my investment returns without increasing the risk…What can I do to pay less tax? Can I afford to retire? Do I have enough insurance? We have solutions built around you. I can help you set up a personalized financial plan based on one or several segments of our unique financial planning process that includes Investment Planning, Tax Planning and Retirement Planning. My objective is not just to answer questions, but to offer simple and realistic strategies to meet your needs. For more information, call Louis Sexton at 759-5790.

Summer Day Camp

changes are being considered for the Day Camp this summer. Due to the low number of registrations last summer, we are considering opening up spots for children from New Richmond and Maria. However, we do not want to take any places away from the children of our Municipality.

This means we need to know how many children from Cascapedia-St-Jules will be attending the Day Camp this summer. If you are planning to have your children attend the Camp we need to know before the end of March. Please call the Town Hall at 392-4042. After that date we will be leaving the rest of the places for children from outside the area.
We will also be accepting names for a new Day Camp Director ,
if you are interested in applying for this position please contact our office. Thank you.

Benefit Supper
A benefit supper will be held on Feb. 11th at the 50+ Club for Ivan & Irene (Cyr) Campbell. A bean supper will be served from 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm, donations will be accepted at the door. The benefit will be held to help the couple with medical expenses.

Valentine’s Dance

A Valentine’s dance, sponsored by the Fire Dept, will be held at the Municipal Hall on Saturday Feb. 11th. The music will begin at 9:00 pm with DJ T&T. Tickets are $10.00 per person or $15.00 per couple and can be bought at the door or by calling Brenda Legouffe at 392-6022 or Sue Legouffe at 392-6073.

Distribution of this Newsletter is Sponsored By:
Louis Sexton, Financial Planner, Investors Group
Tel: (418) 759-5790 Fax: (418) 759-3246