Bulletins de 2006
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1 Sunday United Church Service 10:00 am N.R.
2 Monday Municipal Council Meeting 7:30 pm Recycling
3 Tuesday
4 Wednesday
5 Thursday
6 Friday Garbage
7 Saturday Mass 4:00 pm
8 Sunday Happy Birthday Vanessa H
9 Monday Happy Birthday Bobby C
10 Tuesday
11 Wednesday
12 Thursday
13 Friday
14 Saturday Mass 4:00 pm
15 Sunday United Church Service 10:00 am N.R.
16 Monday Recycling
17 Tuesday
18 Wednesday Happy Birthday Bertha B & Jean McW
19 Thursday Happy B’day Reggie S
20 Friday Garbage
21 Saturday Mass 4:00 pm
22 Sunday United Church Service 10: 00 am N.R Happy Birthday Jordan L
23 Monday Happy B’day Susan L & Kelsi B
24 Tuesday
25 Wednesday
26 Thursday
27 Friday
28 Saturday
29 Sunday United Church Service 10:00 am N.R. Happy Birthday Brenda S

Text Box: Bulletin Cascapédia-St-Jules   55 rte. Gallagher, Cascapédia-St-Jules, Qc. G0C 1T0   Téléphone: (418)-392-4042 Fax: (418)-392-6004

The mayor, council and staff of the Municipality would like to wish everyone a very happy and healthy 2006!

Le Collectif Plein de bon sens
Would you like to put your life in your own hands? Are you interested in employability? Would you like to learn English, Math or French? If yes, Le Collectif Plein de bon sens could give you a hand in order to attain your goals and objectives in life. At the Collectif the apprenticeship is individual. If your heart tells you, call today or come visit us at 143 Blvd Perron Est New Richmond, Tel: 392-4818 Fax: 392-6008 Email: cpdbs@globetrotter. net

Cascapedia Enterprises
It’s that time of year! You know, SNOW! So whether you work in it, play in it or just want to move it Cascapedia Enterprises is the place to go. Come in and see Dennis for all of your chainsaw, snowmachine & snow blower needs. 247, Rte 299 Tel: 392-4921 HAPPY NEW YEAR!
The Committee for Anglophone Social Action (CASA) and the Gaspesian CEDEC are

proud to introduce the high-energy program entitled Youth-Turn….Come Home to the Gaspe!

The long-term objectives of the 18-month program are many, however the main goal is to encourage youth (18-35 years) to remain, move to or return to the region by promoting the opportunities available and quality of life in the region. In order to facilitate the search for employment for those wishing to move back to the region, www.Youthgateway. ca, the English version of portailjeunesse.ca, the popular website developed by the Commission Jeunesse, will be updated. The site provides information and easy access to resources pertaining to regional organizations, services and programs and also allows youth to post their CV’s for Gaspesian businesses which may be hiring. For more information, please contact: Jeanie LeLacheur and Christa Flowers, Coordinators Tel: (418)368-2127 or (418)752-2127

Distribution of this Newsletter is Sponsored By: Cascapedia Enterprises 247, Rte 299 Telephone :(418)392-4921